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Find the perfect gift

Let's see what's in Santa's hood Horus X

The Smart Choice

Compose a pack

Offers complete protection by composing a special pack with 2 or 3 pairs of glasses .

Bonus: for all the packs you save , when you want to offer glasses to several people or several glasses to the same person, it's ideal!

Also find our

Advent calendar

A new offer every day at 10 a.m.!

The best choice for gamers

The best choice for the daily look

The Swiss choice

You don't want to choose? The Performance Pack offers a gaming glasses and a daily glasses to protect the eyes from blue light throughout the day and before sleeping.

The choice of parent, aunt, godfather...

Late or afraid of making a mistake?

Gift card

Valid for life on the entire Horus X store, they will allow the recipient to choose the mount they like the most.

Digitized, if you can't be present on Christmas day with the recipient or if you're in a hurry, it's the safe choice.