They talk about us (good)

Choosing the right kids's blue light blocking glasses
Blue light glasses for your kid must imperatively:
🟣 Filter 100% of Ultra Violet rays
🔵 Block 100% of the most harmful blue light [380-400] nanometers
🧿 Reduce harmful light over the extended blue light spectrum [380-450] nm
✨ Be equipped with a powerful anti-reflection technology
Children are more sensitive to blue light
Children's eyes take many years to be fully formed and equipped with the defense mechanisms of an adult eye. In addition to limiting screen time, which is important for their cognitive development, protection is essential.
🛡️ Innovation Horus X: Unbreakable
Use of polycarbonate, ultralight and resistant ballistic protection materials but also Ultem, ultra-flexible cutting-edge technology necessary for the roughness of your little monsters