So, what’s the secret to picking high-performance gaming glasses? And do you really need to see an eye doctor before buying a pair?

With more and more studies pointing to the harmful effects of screens and blue light, we’re only just beginning to grasp their long-term impact on our health. Blue light blocking gaming glasses are one of the best ways to protect your sleep and overall well-being from the constant exposure to screen light.

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The light from your screen right now? It's making you tired.

Computers, tablets, smartphones, televisions and even the sun .They're all culprits!

Every single one of these (yes, even our favorite giant fireball in the sky) emits blue light, which can affect your vision over time. (Just to clarify: if your eyesight gets worse after a few too many drinks, don’t blame the sun. That one’s on you. 😵)

Gamer with a controller on a blue background equipped with gaming glasses

If you’re here, chances are you’ve already felt some of the most common symptoms of prolonged blue light exposure:

  • 🤯 Migraine
  • 👀 Eye strain
  • 💤 Sleep problems

But don't worry. Not all blue light is bad. It's split into two main types:

  1. The good kind (450-500 nanometers): Vital for regulating your biological clock, this type of blue light helps keep your sleep cycle in check. Make sure your gaming glasses don’t block this beneficial wavelength.
  2. The bad kind (380-450 nanometers): This is the blue light that messes with your sleep and causes eye fatigue,, dry eyes, headaches, and that awful "I just stared at a screen for eight hours" feeling 

So, like your uncle’s bad jokes—some blue light is fine, but too much is definitely a problem.

Non-prescription blue light glasses for gaming and screens 

Should you see an eye doctor first?

First off, congrats on having eagle eyes! If you don’t need a prescription, an eye exam isn’t mandatory. That said, an optometrist can help you pick the right level of blue light filtration for your habits and even determine if you need mild vision correction.

woman looking at her mobile phone

But it's not compulsory at all.

Nope! If your vision is fine and you don’t need prescription lenses, you can buy gaming glasses straight away. Just make sure to check how much of the harmful blue light spectrum they actually block.

A good pair of blue light glasses can help reduce eye strain and prevent those late-night screen headaches—no prescription needed.

“Advice is worth what it costs; that is to say nothing.”- Douglas MacArthur (Except at the ophthalmologist where you definitely will need to pay for their expert advice). 

Prescription blue light glasses

If you don't have a prescription yet

An eye exam is important to assess whether you need corrective lenses. If you often get headaches from prolonged screen use, you might have a minor vision issue that needs fixing before blue light protection even comes into play.

Gamer with headphones and gaming glasses playing in front of his screen

Once you have a prescription, you can buy gaming glasses from an optician or a certified retailer.

What if I have a prescription already? 


  • If your prescription is less than two years old, you’re good to go—order your gaming glasses now.
  • If it’s older than two years, it’s best to get your eyes checked again before buying new glasses.

    Either way, your lenses should be customized to match your vision needs and protect against blue light.

    Where to buy gaming glasses

    At a traditional opticians

    Opticians provide high-quality prescription glasses, but their blue light filters are often pretty weak compared to specialized gaming glasses. If you only use screens occasionally, this might be fine.

    But depending on the time spent in front of a screen on a daily basis, this protection may be insufficient. 

    However, bear in mind that many optician-grade blue light coatings filter less than 30% of harmful blue light. That’s decent for work or TV use, but for serious gamers, it’s not enough.

    If you’re someone who regularly does 2+ hour gaming sessions, you might want to look elsewhere for a stronger blue light filter.

     Victorious gamer with her gaming glasses in front of her screen

    If you’re someone who regularly does 2+ hour gaming sessions, you might want to look elsewhere for a stronger blue light filter.

    Gaming glasses specialists (like us!) 

    Choose well

    For regular gamers and intensive use of screens, especially in the evening and with little light, we recommend that you look for specialist manufacturers.

    Many eyewear technologies that filter out harmful blue light exist today, some much better than the filters offered in traditional stores.

    At the cutting edge of technology

    At Horus X, for example, we offer gaming glasses that filter up to 86% of the harmful spectrum and even 100% of the most dangerous spectrum. In addition to that, the glasses filter 100% of ultraviolet rays as well as a good part of harmful reflections.

    Protection against harmful light (UV, blue light, reflections) is our specialty and our patented lens technologies allow us to ensure maximum protection against harmful light from your screen during your games, on the computer, in front of television or on a smartphone.

    gamer with his glasses playing video games

    The choice of glass

    If the amber lenses bother you or you are afraid that the colors are too distorted (even if in real life you get used to it very quickly, with us the whole team is equipped) you can also opt for clear lenses whose protection is the most efficient for this level of tint with more than 60% of harmful blue light filtered.

    Depending on your use and your sensitivity, you have the choice regarding the color of the lenses . If you need prescription glasses, you can also turn to other gaming eyewear specialists who accept and are qualified to process your prescriptions.

    On the Horus X side, the subject is in development and we should be able to offer you some soon in order to satisfy everyone.

    In any case, and as with any product you buy online, always remember to compare (filtrations differ a lot according to brands and types of lenses) and to consult reviews.

    To help you, we have selected the best gaming glasses here.

    We can only recommend that you opt for a French or European company in order to assert your rights more easily in the event of an error or the need for after-sales service.

    Ophthalmo for gaming glasses: the final word:

    No, it is not necessary to see an ophthalmologist before buying gaming glasses.

    However, if you need prescription glasses or experience regular migraines, you may need corrective lenses.

    In this case, it is strongly advised to consult an eye specialist to benefit from social security coverage (in the case of corrective lenses) and to have gaming glasses.

    If you do not need prescription glasses, then you can buy blue light blocking glasses directly (note that these will not be covered by social security as they are sold without a prescription.).

    In this case, take the time to compare the brands, especially in terms of the filtration provided by the glasses, and preferably turn to specialists in blue light or glasses for screens.

    So you will benefit from better filtration than that generally offered by conventional shops but also from prices and designs more suited to your needs.

    Adapt your search to your use of screens. Ask yourself the following questions:

    • 📺 What sources of blue light am I exposed to? (computer screen, TV, smartphone...etc.)

    • ⏱️ How long am I exposed to this light per day on average?

    • 🌙 What time of day? (during the day only or also in the evening, just before bedtime?)

    Depending on your answers to these questions, you can then choose the pair of glasses that will best suit your eyes.

    For gaming glasses that will effectively protect you from the light emitted by screens, take the time to take a look at our different Horus X models.

    To go further find here:

    In general, remember to adjust the light in your environment to avoid working or playing in the dark. In particular, this will allow you to reduce the immediate impact of blue light on your eyes.

    Tagged: Gaming